Courtney Love introduced the Virgin Prunes at the ‘Gavin Friday and Friends’ event in Carnegie Hall on October 4th. She did so eloquently and passionately, explaining how she came toContinue readingCourtney Love’s introduction to the Virgin Prunes
Tag: quotes
Bringing art and anarchy to 1980
Irish music magazine talks to Gavin Friday about the Virgin Prunes. The full article, ‘When art and anarchy collide’ is available online. “The second gig we ever did wasContinue readingBringing art and anarchy to 1980
Masterbag interview – 1982
(Quotes from 1982 Masterbag article) Dik: “Our motivation is to express ourselves in whatever way we feel we must.” Gavin: “We want our audience to do as they wish. IfContinue readingMasterbag interview – 1982
Quotes by and about Virgin Prunes
“The Virgin Prunes are a mirror to you. To look in that mirror or turn away is your choice…” From “Art Fuck”, an early unreleased Virgin Prunes song. “The energy,Continue readingQuotes by and about Virgin Prunes