The ultimate recurring Virgin Prunes/Gavin Friday lyrics:
Twenty Tens – “secret thinker, hidden lie”
Love is Danger – “the apple of your eye becomes the hidden lie”
Tell Tale Heart – “the ultimate cover-up, the hidden lie”
The Children are Crying – “tomorrow will never come”
The Children are Crying – “if tomorrow doesn’t come the children won’t care”
The Moon Looked Down and Laughed – “tomorrows never come”
Shag Tobacco – “tomorrow never comes”
Virgin Prunes recurring in Virgin Prunes
Moments and Mine – “who am I fooling?”
The Moon Looked Down and Laughed – “who am I fooling?”
Moments and Mine – “zoom, zoom, get out of my way”
The Moon Looked Down and Laughed – “get out of my way, get out of my way”
Down the Memory Lane – “don’t be led astray”
Sons Find Devils – “lead me astray”
Pop Song – “a thousand ways to show you care”
Love Lasts Forever – “a thousand ways to show I care”
Come to Daddy – “take a chance, take a chance today”
The Moon Looked Down and Laughed – “take a chance, take a chance today”
The White History Book – the music
The Moon Looked Down and Laughed – the music
We Sing a Song – the music
The King of Junk – the music
Virgin Prunes recurring in Gavin Friday
Bau-Dachong – “I look for the boy with the stars in his eyes”
Man of Misfortune – “they said ‘are you the boy with the stars in your eyes, are you the boy that fooled the world'”
Theme for Thought – “I see your heaven, you see my hell”
Another Blow on the Bruise – “just remember my heaven’s another man’s hell”
My Dependence on You – “when I wake up in the morning there’s no sun, when I wake up in the morning ain’t no sunshine”
He Got What he Wanted – “when I wake up in the morning, there’s no sun, there ain’t no sunshine”
Moments and Mine – “hold your head up son, you know you are handsome”
Strict Tempo – “hold my head up, tell me I’m handsome”
The Moon Looked Down and Laughed – “hey buy me a drink and I’ll be like you”
Rags to Riches – “buy me a drink and I’ll be just like you”
Apologia – title only
Apologia – title only
Deadly Sins – “because love is like a flower, because love is like they sing in songs”
Love is Just a Word – “she says as she picks up a flower, for love is like a flower”
No Birds to Fly – “the time has come to talk of things, of shoes and bells and wedding rings, so why say goodbye? why say no more?”
Why Say Goodbye – “the time has come to talk of things, of shoes ‘n’ bells ‘n’ wedding rings. So why say goodbye? Why say goodbye?”
Pagan Lovesong – “I had a weird dream, watch but don’t touch”
Baby Woman – “watch! don’t touch, I’m no venus di milo” (written for Naomi Campbell)
Love Lasts Forever – “our love will last forever until the day it dies”
Wind and Rain – “I know I know our love will last forever”
Don’t Look Back – “With you I could change the world…”
Fun and Experience – “I could change the world for you…”
Theme for Thought – “…painted like a whore…”
Wake Up Screaming – “painted like a whore…”
Pagan Love Song – “Hearsay, this heresy…”
Wake Up Screaming – “Hearsay and heresy…”
Come to Daddy – “Yesterday is tomorrow only backwards”
You Take Away The Sun – “There was a time when yesterdays were just tomorrows”
Gavin Friday recurring in Gavin Friday
[An early poem] – ” o ta mo chroi briste”
Rags to Riches – “my heart is broken, little pieces all over the floor”
My Twentieth Century – “o ta mo chroi briste”
King of Trash – “take me to the moon”
Sybil Vane’s Suicide – “take me up to the moon”
Why Say Goodbye – “I shout, you scream”
You Me and World War Three – “I shout, you scream”
Where in the World – “I turn around and see a finger pointing at me”
My Twentieth Century – “my pointing finger backfires”