Sister Ray 29 September 2004 pictures (fans)

Following on from yesterday’s overview of the Sister Ray signing session, today we present more photographs of Gavin & Guggi chatting to some of the people who attended.Given the format of the event, these photographs are a little more repetitive. For those who were present and captured here, we hope you enjoy the memento. For non-attendees, what they probably indicate above everything else is the friendly, humorous and attentive manner with which the two former Prunes chatted with their fans.

It would, of course, be entirely indiscreet of us to reproduce any of the conversations in detail. However, here are a few overheard comments, preserved for posterity to give you a feel for the banter:

  • Female fan, to G&G: “We have a son called Gavin and a cat called Guggi!” Gavin explodes with laughter and Guggi, speechless, looks a little crestfallen.
  • Gavin, smirking: “We don’t come to England very much. We’re scared of the English.”
  • Amazement at the Australian Baby Turns Blue/Walls of Jericho 12″, which they have never seen before. Gavin points to the Pig Children cover and says quietly, to no one in particular: “Look at that, isn’t it beautiful?”
  • Gavin, to a fan who has brought an exceptionally large bag of CDs and vinyl to be signed: “Have you got a suitcase as well?”
  • To a couple, of their young son, Gavin asks “What’s his favourite bedtime song, Come To Daddy?”
  • To a fan whose mode of dress looks slightly more “official” than most others’: “Have you come to arrest us?”
  • A fan presents a Faculties book to Guggi, already signed with “This copy belongs to John Balance”. Gavin grabs it, draws a big arrow underneath this and writes “No it does not”.
  • Gavin signs a fan’s original If I Die, I Die poster with the advice “Put it on Ebay, you’ll make a fortune!” The fan responds, admirably, “Never!”
Here are the “best of the rest” of the photographs.

9 thoughts on “Sister Ray 29 September 2004 pictures (fans)

  1. G. says:

    My friends and i came from France especially for that event, with our suitcases of vinyls and cds by the way :), we are HUGE fans of the Virgin Prunes and we really had to meet Gavin and Guggi, i’d never thought i would meet them someday.
    It was really cool to meet them and to chat with them (though i would have liked to chat a little longer). We had met Mary, Strongman and Dave-Id some years before and it was funny to see Gavin and Guggi reading Mary’s comments on our vinyls 🙂
    For the anecdote, my friends brought the australian Baby turns blue 12″ which amazed them (i wish i had this one, it is so rare!), they also brought the book that “used to” belong to John Balance as well as the beautiful japanese edition of it and oh, their son is called Gavin and their cat is called Guggi :)… It’s cool to see our comments on the site. We’re on the five last pictures on this page.
    We came back to France the morning after and i was at work at 6.00 pm, totally exhausted but it was worth, really…
    I can’t wait to be in Brussels 🙂

  2. G. says:

    Second part…
    We also went to the Nag Nag Nag party that night where G&G had their dj set. In the afternoon at Sister Ray we were worried we might not be able to get in and told Gavin about that (we thought it was a VIP party…lol) and as we were waiting to get in the very crowded club, Gavin who was just arriving said to the guys at the entrance to let us in.
    Just to let you know what a nice guy he is…

  3. Witch&Wizard says:

    Hi we are “Witch & Wizard” we were to londra day 29/09/2004,
    When we have known that you were from “Sister Ray” we have arrived,
    but too late,
    you were to the 1:30 there,
    us only to the 18:00.
    We had to see you and we have come at night to the “Ghetto”,
    where we knew that you had to play
    we have sat of face to the stage there,
    me with the sunglasses and long hair & the blonde witch near me.
    The whole evening firm sat to wait for your entry,
    we have finally felt you in the air hearing “SIOUXSIE” go out of the amplifier,
    then in a mirage,
    you have appeared blond on the stage before me that you greeted someone,
    with your jacket of jeans;
    and then……..
    nothing more…….
    you are enfeebled in the nothing,
    bringing with you our hope of it stuffed at least to sign “to new form of beauty.”
    Great scorn in to see that the people to londra,
    also those of the same staff of the ghetto “puaaaa”,
    when to the 20:00 looked for of you,
    to have confirmation of your presence,
    they didn’t even know who are
    and only after having made the cd see him and after having read the name in the poster
    you/they have understood of whom spoke.
    But as it is done not to know the Virgin prunes?!?!?!?!
    I hope a lot to be able to see again you but in concert,
    in my city Catania in Sicily,
    have many admirers; don’t know how much!!!!!
    I would be happy to see to play you here; and not only me.
    you are always the best of the dark world.
    by: Wizard & Witch
    @ mail-me if you want to grant a Sicilian dream
    playing for us Sicilians Punks
    We wait for your answer with the heart in hand

  4. Sam says:

    Hello ! Bonjour from France ! Mu and my girlfriend Murielle are huge fans of Virgin Prunes .. Wish we could have been there to meet Gavin and Guggi ! Thanks for the photos ! We just had a laugh reading the comments .. We had a little boy inn july .. and yes ! guess his name .. Gavin !!! >> I even done a website about him … ( … (we don’t have a cat … but if we do one day ! .. we have his name .. ha ha) ..
    Hope they can come to france also … A big MERCI for this website ! we visit it often … and a big hello to all the Virgin Prunes fans eveyrwhere in the world and in France … oh ? any chance they release a DVD with concerts, videos, interviews etc… that would be fantastic !!! bye
    Sam, Murielle and Gavin

  5. Caroline says:

    Sam, that’s a beautiful website you made for your son.
    I wish I had kept a record of all the kids named after Gavin. There are quite a few on this planet.

  6. trev poofrett says:

    hi there im in your pics im the really scruffy one with loads of grey hair buying shit music cd s from you 2 long haired greasy monkeys
    trev the hoody pomphrett

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